Retired Funds2023-08-24T10:03:16-07:00

Retired Funds

Retired Funds

Woodside Community Foundation has been involved in many efforts in our community. This is sample of what we’ve supported/facilitated in the past, however, we are only limited by your ideas and areas of need/support.

Note: These funds are no longer active and links are not live.

Retired Fund:
Child Care Relief Fund

This fund provides financial assistance to subsidized child care providers for low-income families in San Mateo County especially in the areas of North Fair Oaks and Redwood City. Access to high-quality child care, essential to our region’s economic vitality, has suffered a major setback with the COVID crisis threatening the health and well-being of our essential workers and their young families. Your help NOW will make a tremendous difference in the lives of many parents, children and employers for years to come.

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