Retired Fund:
Woodside Road Median Fund
Retired Fund:
Woodside Road Median Fund

It’s time to tackle the landscaping of Woodside’s ‘front door’! A project like this takes a village or, in this case, a team effort of the Town of Woodside, the Woodside Landscape Committee, and the Woodside Community Foundation.
Woodside Beautification and Safety Project
Median Landscaping at Woodside Road and Hwy 280
Project overview:
The Town has contracted with Kikuchi & Kankel Design Group to create a low maintenance, drought tolerant plan with guidance from the Woodside Landscape Committee. Steve Kikuchi has worked in and around Woodside for many years and has a real feel for our community. They will also conduct a survey (as stipulated by CalTrans) which will outline where to connect waterlines and place a meter.
The Town will submit the final plan to Caltrans for the permitting process and put out bids for the construction phase. Once completed, the Town will take care of ongoing maintenance.
The project is underway and will be completed Spring of 2022.
For several years, residents of Woodside have approached the Town about beautifying the Woodside Road medians. As the Town has focused on larger infrastructure needs, such as the replacement of bridges, the project has fallen to the bottom of the “to-do” list. However, there have been several individuals who have come forward and expressed a willingness to contribute to a beautification project. With the strong support and partnership of the Woodside Community Foundation, the Town is now starting on a project to beautify the medians in front of the Park-n-Ride. A design contract for this project was recently approved by the Town Council, the first step towards a successful installation.
Kevin Bryant, Woodside Town Manager
We’re off to a great start! Help us make it happen!
The project is estimated to cost (per Town Engineer Sean Rose) up to $75,000. The Woodside Community Foundation is raising funds to move this project forward. The WCF has already secured grants of $30,000 from the Ballinger Family, Cindy and Evan Goldberg, the Gilhuly Family, and the Woodside Landscape Committee members to help match community donations! Thank you to these generous supporters!
We hope you will contribute to make this long-deferred dream a reality.
Contact information:
Marsha BonDurant