North Cañada Oak Tree Fund
North Cañada Oak Tree Fund

A group of Woodside residents created this project with the goal of beautifying a bare, inhospitable stretch of Cañada Road at the northern entrance to the Town of Woodside by planting natural groupings of native California Valley Oaks.
We are inspired by a similar project carried out farther south on Cañada Road 25 years ago. Those oak trees have now become an essential part of the landscape. We would like to see that these new trees do the same.
This project will also complete the work started more than a decade ago by Woodside resident Chris Romano who single-handedly propagated, planted and tended oak seedlings with the hope that one day she and her fellow residents would be able to enjoy a tree-lined trail protected from the road and buffered from the sight and sound of the freeway. A number of the seedlings that Chris planted near the road were badly damaged two years ago but have managed to survive and are re-sprouting. Chris is now visually impaired and no longer planting.
With support from San Mateo County District 3 Supervisor Don Horsley and Woodside Town Council member Chris Shaw, a plan designed by local architect Steve Lubin has been approved by San Mateo County Public Works. The plan calls for a number of new trees to be planted and for the previously damaged, re-sprouting trees to remain (click on plan to enlarge).
Why this fund is important:
Natural groupings of healthy oak trees would beautify the area and provide much needed screening of the 280 freeway. A trail used by many Woodside equestrians and pedestrians is adjacent to the roadway. These trail users would benefit from the shade, natural habitat and physical separation from the roadway that the trees would provide and, according to the County, trees near the roadway surface reduce vehicle speeds and provide traffic calming effects. Trees are increasingly important in combating climate change due to their ability to sequester carbon.
Why Valley Oaks?
Native California Valley Oaks are an integral part of our local ecosystem and were essential to the lives of the original peoples who inhabited this area. Their leaves, acorns and bark support birds, insects (including butterflies) and other wildlife. Unlike Live Oak trees, Valley Oaks are deciduous and therefore not susceptible to Sudden Oak Death. The Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) is the largest and fastest growing species of oak tree in California, requires little water once established and is fire resistant.
Why 15 gallon trees?
Trees of this size are considerably less expensive than larger “boxed” trees, adapt more easily to planting, and catch up quickly in height. When planted an 8- to 12-foot tall Valley Oak in a 15-gallon container can grow to 20 feet in 5 years, 60 feet in 20 years and up to 100 feet over time.
How you can help:
We need additional funds to purchase, plant and provide maintenance for the trees. We are off to a good start with $1500 in seed money from a generous donor, but more is needed. Since the best time to plant is in the fall, we need to raise another $6500 before the end of summer. If you’d like to see the planting plan become a reality this year, please make your contribution now. Spread the word about our project to your friends and neighbors, too. We thank you and so will they!
How your donation will be used:
Your contribution will be used to purchase 14 new Valley Oak trees in 15-gallon containers, and the materials and labor required to plant them. It will also provide maintainance and pruning for both new and re-sprouting trees for the next 5 years.
Contact information:
Steve Lubin
You are making a donation to: North Cañada Oak Tree Fund
Is this an honorarium or memorial gift? Click here.
* Required information. We will send you a written confirmation of your gift and its tax-deductibility.