Relief Fund
Relief Fund
La Honda Will Soon be Seeing Red!
Published: 14 May 2021

A WCF Grant of $10,000
Our Local Disaster Relief Fund helped the La Honda Fire Brigade raise the $100,000 needed to purchase a Type 5 Wildland Fire Engine.
This smaller addition to the Brigade’s fire truck fleet can traverse the rugged backroads and light-weight bridges, getting firefighters to the source of wild fires. This small fire engine can carry up to 500 gallons of water / foam and firefighting equipment.
The La Honda Fire Brigade remains as one of the last all-volunteer fire departments in the area. Staffed by a dedicated and professionally trained corps of volunteers, the brigade exists to protect lives, property and the unique environment of the rural portions of San Mateo County.
Numerous community members act as an auxiliary to the Brigade donating their time and expertise during fund raisers and towards maintaining the firehouse. This long success can be attributed to the community at large.
By supporting fund raisers and continuing annual membership (primary sources of funding), the community demonstrates a strong spirit and insures all-risk protection for residents and visitors of the area.
Be Prepared!
Visit these links for more info on how to prepare for wildfire season and how our communities are dealing with it:
- Comprehensive info from the Woodside Fire Protection District
- Sign up for the SMC Alert notification system used to immediately contact you during urgent or emergency situations
- Town of Woodside has info and links to other resources
- Info on Smoke Point, an app to help firefighters locate wildfires
- Link to the SMC Large Animal Evac group
Woodsiders Pony Up Big for Large Animal Rescue Efforts
Published: 26 August 2020

True to form, Woodsiders are heeding our call for help!
Boo thanks you!Over the last five days almost $30,000 has been raised for large animal rescue efforts due to the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your fast and generous support.
Moving quickly to put your donations to work, the WCF Treasurer Rick DeBenedetti is working with the Mounted Patrol and Junior Riders. Scott Dancer, Captain of the Mounted Patrol, made a request to the Foundation for a grant to cover the costs of caring for animals that are being evacuated from Davenport, Pescadero, San Gregorio, and the La Honda area. His wife Kathi, director of the Junior Riders is working hand-in-hand with Scott. The Junior Riders program is located right across Tripp Road from the Mounted Patrol’s rear entrance.
The Foundation is currently helping to cover the costs of hay, manure removal and labor for these evacuated animals.
As of Sunday night, the Mounted Patrol was caring for nine evacuated horses and two Zebus (miniature brahmas). Twenty-nine more evacuated horses are being cared for at the Junior Rider facility. Between the two locations, an estimated fifty evacuated animals can be housed in the paddocks, with overflow moving into the arenas if necessary. Smaller barns in Woodside have also taken in two to four horses each depending on the size of the facility. Feed will be provided to these barns as well.
As Scott Dancer said in a message to the Mounted Patrol membership,
“The Woodside Community Foundation has provided grant money to cover all the cost of feeding, cleaning, debris box rental, and they delivered a semi-truck load of hay yesterday. WCF’s assistance removes a huge burden from the animal owners who can feel secure that their horses are receiving the highest level of care during this stressful time.”
At this point in time, the fires in San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties are minimally contained with many residents poised for further evacuations. It is anticipated that the CZU Lightning Complex Fires will continue to burn for several more months.
With your help, the Woodside Community Foundation will continue to seek out and support organizations and individuals requiring help with large animal rescue and evacuation in the weeks and months to come.
Thank you so much for your generosity during these challenging times.
Published: 20 August 2020

As we write this, families and their livestock are being evacuated from fires burning in San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties. Events are unfolding quickly as the fires continue to gain momentum.
A number of large animal rescue organizations are mobilizing right now. Based on past experience, we know these rescue groups will need financial help quickly.
As of last night, 40,000 acres burned with 0% containment and according to CalFire the potential for large growth of these fires will continue for the next 24-48 hours. It’s anticipated that these fires will burn for weeks to come.
Please make a donation now so we can be ready to provide funds quickly where they’re needed most in the coming days and weeks.
We’ll be updating this page with new developments as they unfold, so check back soon.