Our Funds
Our Funds
General Fund
Donations to the Foundation’s General Fund are always greatly appreciated, and are spent at the discretion of the Board of Directors for charitable purposes in the Town of Woodside and its surrounds.
Good Neighbor Fund
Our community’s health and well-being is closely connected to that of our neighboring communities. The Good Neighbor Fund provides a platform to share resources with people and creatures in need in neighboring communities.
Woodside Landscape Committee Fund
The Woodside Landscape Committee (WLC) is a volunteer group of residents who work on projects to beautify certain Town-owned properties here in Woodside.
Woodside Trail Fund
This Fund builds and maintains trails in the Town of Woodside and surrounds. While this Fund has historically built and enhanced equestrian trails, current projects include trails for all user groups.
Woodside-area Horse Owners Association (WHOA!)
The Woodside-area Horse Owners Association’s works to preserve the fundamental role of horses in maintaining the rural character of the Town of Woodside and neighboring foothill communities.
Local Disaster Relief Fund
These funds will be used for future natural disasters (wildfire, earthquake, etc.) that may occur in and around the Town of Woodside.
Light the Tree Fund
The Light the Tree Fund was created to cover the costs of lighting the Christmas Tree and installing the Nativity at the corner of Canada and Woodside Road each year during the Christmas season.
North Cañada Oak Tree Fund
Your contribution will be used to purchase 14 new Valley Oak trees in 15-gallon containers, and the materials and labor required to plant them. It will also provide for maintaining and pruning both new and re-sprouting trees for the next five years.
Woodside Community Museum Fund
Donations are used for ongoing historical projects, acquisitions, and the creation of new exhibits at the Museum. We keep our costs low by using volunteer expertise whenever possible.
Woodside Village Band Fund
Donations are used to cover the basic costs of rehearsal and equipment space, advertisements, concert programs, and the purchase of new music. With additional funds, the group will start awarding scholarships to high school seniors in the band that are pursuing musical careers.