Retired Fund: Gratitude Fund for
Robert’s of Woodside Employees
Retired Fund: Gratitude Fund for
Robert’s of Woodside Employees

Woodside residents are extremely appreciative of the dedication and commitment that the Robert’s of Woodside employees have demonstrated as front line workers since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Their hard work and long hours have allowed Woodsiders to have a safe, clean, well-stocked place to shop that is close to home during the region’s Shelter in Place directive.
Update June 3, 2020:
On May 26, 2020, individual checks for $540 were distributed to each of Robert’s of Woodside’s 75 employees. Robert’s owner Christine Roberts, shown above, will make a matching gift to every Portola Valley Robert’s Market employee. The goal of this fund is to raise $75,000 to be distributed equally among the employees. Please consider giving to add your thanks for the hard work of these community members on the front lines.
In order to collectively show our gratitude for their commitment to our community, and in recognition of the hazardous nature of being a front-line worker, a few key donors established the Gratitude Fund for Robert’s of Woodside Employees through the Woodside Community Foundation with an initial $2,500 seed fund.
Help us raise $75,000
Your donation to this fund will honor the commitment that these 75 dedicated employees have made and will continue to make to our community. Our goal is to raise $75,000 and we invite you to join us by making a donation now.
How your funds will be used
All Funds raised will be distributed equally to all Robert’s of Woodside employees every two weeks for as long as the Shelter in Place directive is in effect.